Men's health
ActiVin - supplement is based on grape seed extract which offers effective antioxidant properties. It counteracts the ageing processes, has a beneficial effect on memory and strengthens the cardiovascular system. Everybody would benefit from supplementing with Activin but it would be of a particular interest to people over the age of 35.
Selenium is an essential mineral with powerful antioxidant and detoxification benefits. It is a synergist for Vitamin E and therefore can be used to combat the signs of ageing and repair muscle tissue.
Coral Artichoke
Coral Artichoke is the best ally for the optimal functioning of the liver and the digestive system. It contains active extracts, with hepatoprotective properties that come from milk thistle, dandelion, betaine and artichoke.
Protivity is designed to boost metabolism and aid the repair of muscles after intensive physical exercise or injury. It is also beneficial post surgery as it supports the immune system and endocrine system.
Omega 3/60 - 90 capsules
Omega 3/60 is specifically designed to support the cardiovascular system and to prevent diseases that may affect it. This incredible fatty acid supplement boosts the body’s immunity system, reduce inflammation, balances hormones as well as combating cellular deterioration all thanks to high omega 3.
Coenzyme Q-10
The Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is the fundamental element for the correct functionality of the cellular organelle called mitochondrion, which performs the function of creating energy. It has this function in all the cells of the body and is indispensable for optimal physical efficiency and healthy longevity.
Coral Lecithin
Lecithin is a phospholipid that supports a healthy body and mind, because it is an essential component for building cell membranes, in particular myelinated cells (of the nervous system). It is a rich source of omega 3, omega 6, choline and inositol, all the components necessary for people who are subject to excessive stress, because they support the proper functioning of the nervous system. Furthermore Lecithin supports the health and vitality of the cardiovascular system, immune system and reproductive system.
Coral Zinc 15
Nature has always provided us with the answer to our body’s needs. One of the most precious allies for our health and well-being is, without doubt, the active contribution of zinc.
Ca-Mg Complex
Ca-Mg Complex is a supplement containing a balanced ratio of the elements Calcium and Magnesium from organic sources. Ca-Mg Complex is the ideal product for healthy blood circulation and robust bones. This product helps prevent osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, controls muscle contraction, increases body energies and fights stress.